Miranda Kerr’s body is almost otherworldly. Her clear, glowing skin, slim, toned limbs and not to mention that youthful, dimpled smile. I guess that’s why they call them ‘super’ models though, right? That said, one of the things that we love about Miranda is that it doesn’t all come naturally to the girl from ‘sunny Gunny’. She nurtures and enhances her natural assets by putting the work into staying healthy, just like the rest of us with the help of experts like her Australian yoga instructor Charlotte Dodson.
Charlotte Dodson knows more about Miranda’s work or rather workout ethic than most. She has been her yoga instructor for more than a decade. Dodson came to the practice herself some 15 years ago; “It was a whole new world to me at the time, and everything changed for the better – both on and off the yoga mat! I found a place of quietness and stillness within my practice…I realised that yoga was much more than just a physique-enhancing practice…it actually feeds into all areas of your life.” Hence, Charlotte Dodson Yoga was born.
In her former life, Dodson spent her days in an advertising office. These days, you could find her teaching or practicing at the beach, in a studio or at a retreat. She happiest rolling out a mat in nature…”One place that really encapsulates that vibe is Lord Howe Island at Little Island. The energy and power there is deeply touching and it teaches you that beauty exists everywhere.” she says. It’s not just Kerr she teaches. Charlotte can be found leading any one of her A-list client list through their asanas. She counts Orlando Bloom, Gerard Butler, Basil Iwanyk, Phoebe Tonkin, Lara Bingle, Stephanie Rice, Kit Willow, Camilla Franks and Leah Wood as clients, among others.
So how does she keep yoga challenging and rewarding for a long-term client like Miranda Kerr? “Miranda truly understands the philosophy of yoga, that it’s more than a body shape, that yoga is life – life returns to you the same appreciation and gratitude that you give it. Miranda is a beautiful soul from the inside – out!” Charlotte explains. Miranda shares a mutual respect for Dodson saying, “With yoga, I believe it’s really important to know who you have as a teacher. To me, Charlotte is the best – her energy is really grounding and nurturing. It has become a part of my life”. So what’s the model-mogul’s favourite pose you ask? Tree Pose. “After spending many hours traveling, this balancing posture helps to centre and ground her. You’ll find stability through tree pose by rooting your feet into the ground and standing tall. It’s also keeps you anchored into the present moment.” Charlotte says.
Many of Charlotte’s clients travel as she does, so she knows first-hand the toll it can take on the body and disruption it can cause to a routined practice. For jet lag, she recommends Legs up the wall’ or Viparita Karani. ‘Legs Up On The Wall’ works wonders because it gives our feet and legs a needed rest, and it rests our heart because it allows blood to flow freely and easily to our brain. The inversion energises us, lowers stress, calms the mind and balances the nervous system.” she explains.
Men, women, young and old, Charlotte hopes her love of yoga is infectious. She aims to help her clients not simply practice, but progress; “It’s rewarding observing clients as they grow and evolve with every class, and this could be something as small as deepening or mastering a pose all the way through to having a profound realisation from a spiritual aspect of their practice.” She witnessed the spiritual benefits yoga was having on one of her regular female clients recently. “She realised one day, it was ‘fear’ that was holding her back. When she believed in herself, had absolute faith in her ability and kept her heart open, this sequencing was achievable. It touched me deeply, as I’ve also experienced the same revelation; to go for it and fully embrace whatever comes your way.” she says.
For the school of reluctant yogis that struggle to stick with yoga in the beginning, Charlotte’s advice is simple: “Stay enthusiastic! I encourage students to roll out their mat, stand at the top and see what happens. Sometimes the challenge can be to get on the mat! I used to be completely frustrated with yoga, but when I found my personal style that I was passionate about (Ashtanga) and my personal teacher (Eileen Hall) that I resonated with, the passion came easily – this dynamic, moving meditational practice will stay with me for life, for which I’ll be forever grateful!”
Whether you’re a celebrity or the yogi-next-door, Charlotte stresses the rewards are universal; “Yoga will give you the tools to keep you grounded, rejuvenated, and creating a flexible and strong body, mind, and spirit. It really feeds into all areas of your life, you just need to reflect and be open to it in order to truly feel and see it. It really works!”.
To watch Charlotte Dodson’s teaching videos and for more information click here. She offers a trial of her online classes and then once you’re hooked, you can subscribe to Charlotte Dodson TV.
Skye is the founder and editor-in-chief of The Fit Traveller.
She is a journalist, writer, photographer, intrepid traveller and a former personal trainer with a passion for helping others reach optimal health.
As a TV journalist and producer, Skye has worked for household names such as 60 Minutes, Sunrise, TODAY and Nine News. She has also written for Women’s Health, Fodor’s Travel and Yahoo7 Travel, among many others.
Equally comfortable in a 5-star resort or hiking a far-off mountain, Skye loves the unexpected and enriching life experiences that each trip brings and can often be found in a backstreet chatting to locals with her camera in hand.
Skye is based in Sydney, working to master the balance between motherhood and her appetite for adventure.
Read more about Skye’s story here.