Hurling down the Italian freeway at 160 clicks an hour juggling a croissant in one hand, and my laptop in the other, I remind myself that I’m living the dream. I mean here I am, the peak of the European summer, and with little more than a high speed wifi dongle I’ve transported both myself…
Work To Live: The Art of Scaling Your Business
Last week at around 11am on Tuesday morning I found myself standing on Hyams Beach, piccolo in hand, with not an unread email in sight. At that exact moment I realised that I’d cracked it – the elusive three-day work week. It only took me six years of working my butt off to get here….
How to Become a Change Agent in Your Industry
Earlier this week I found myself on a flight from Sydney to Byron Bay, eagerly anticipating my organic, kale infused, dolphin milk smoothie. I picked up the in-flight magazine to be met with yet another article about an innovator busily disrupting their industry. My eyes glazed over. Is it just me, or does it seem that…
The Practical Pathway to Finding Your Purpose
Let’s agree on one thing straight off the bat – ‘finding your purpose’ is not a final destination. It’s not a one-off act, or the final stop on the train trip to enlightenment where we retire to a perfect state of inner peace, speaking like a cross between Eckhart Tolle and Oprah. Purpose is a continual…